The United States Air Force's Air Combat Command has an impressive roster of demo teams. The F-22 Demo team was started in 2007 to give spectators a first-hand look at the Air Force's latest 5th generation fighter. The F-22 was designed as an air dominance platform with stealth, supercruise, extreme maneuverability, coupled with advanced integrated avionics. It is these capabilities that make the Raptor the Air Force's premier air superiority fighter. The first demo team pilot and team commander was Paul "Max" Moga. He presented the demonstration for the 2007 and 2008 seasons. After 2007 the F-22 demonstration became one of the most anticipated airshows acts on the circuit.
While the team can't demonstrate most of the fighter's capabilities, it is the extreme maneuverability that will leave you speechless. The F-22s ability to perform maneuvers like the Max vertical Climb, Pedal turn, Power Loop, and Tail Slide makes this fighter a show stopper. Any chance you get to experience an F-22 Demonstration, run, don't walk. I promise you a unique show as you have never seen before. If I hadn't seen the Raptors maneuvers with my own eyes, I would say they were impossible.
2021 SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo
Lakeland Linder International Airport, Florida
Pilot: Major Joshua “Cabo” Gunderson
The Raptor High-Speed Dedication Pass at Lakeland Florida.
Maj. Joshua Cabo Gunderson in the F-22 Raptor headed back to show center after completing the square loop. This maneuver gave a unique opportunity for an angle not often captured on the airshow circuit.
The Raptor High-speed Dedication pass!
The Heritage Flight with Raptor Demo Team, A-10 Demo Team, and the Classic warbird P-51D Mustang from Stallion 51.
2021 Chennault International Airshow
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Pilot: Major Joshua “Cabo” Gunderson
The 2020 Chennault International Airshow offered Cabo and The Raptor Demo Team an excellent opportunity for extreme vapor clouds while maneuvering.
Cabo pulls the Raptor steep virtual climb Afterburners and vapor clouds.
The Raptor High-speed Dedication pass at Chennault Airshow
The Raptor High-speed pass at Chennault Airshow
2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow
Houston, Texas
Pilot: Major Joshua “Cabo” Gunderson
F-22 Raptor Demo headed straight down with Afterburners lit at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Golden Hour Raptor" with a perfect Texas Sky at 2021 Wings over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Golden Hour Raptor high-speed pass" at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Off we go into the wild blue yonder" at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Climbing high into the sun" at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "High-speed pass" at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Heritage Flight" with P-51 Mustang "Bum Steer" at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo Head on at 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "High-speed pass" top side view 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
F-22 Raptor Demo "Afterburner climb" 2021 Wings Over Houston Airshow.
2020 Wings Over Houston Airshow
Houston, Texas
Pilot: Major Joshua “Cabo” Gunderson